The Benefits Of Consuming Goat's Milk

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The Benefits Of Consuming Goat's Milk

1. coping with stomach acid, so it is good for people with gastritis
2. Highly suitable for pregnant women and who once gave birth to
3. is perfect for women who have experienced menopause and prevent Osteoporosis
4. increase HB for patients with less blood (anemia)
5. addressing the problem of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, liver disorders, gout and rheumatism
6. Improve the respiratory system, the lungs and the blood circulation
7. help cope with scurvy and smooth skin
8. it is suitable to grow flower children who've got no BREAST MILK again
9. Very suitable for disabled children with autism
10. increase the durability of the body of the sufferer TUBERCULOSIS and other infectious diseases
The Benefits Of Consuming Goat's Milk
The Benefits Of Consuming Goat's Milk
1. goat's milk is rich in milk proteins (Casein Beta) that is similar to the type of milk protein in breast milk. Protein content of 2.1 times higher than cow's milk, is a food supplement that is most suitable for growing flower children and people who are busy in this modern age.

2. goat's milk does not contain allergens trigger an allergic reaction (beta lactoglobulin) so it is more secure when given to children and adults who are allergic to milk sugar Lactosa (lactosa intolerant).

3. goats milk fatty acid chain is shorter with molecular size is smoother than cow's milk so it is easier to digest, and doesn't contain Aglutinin, that is, a compound that makes fatty molecules rotate as it did on cow's milk. The content of higher pH (Alkaline) so it helps heal ulcers and other digestive disorders.

4. have a Calcium content of 3.8 times that of cow's milk. Goat milk donated 32,6% calcium and phosphorus 27.0% of daily basic needs, while cow's milk only provide 29,7% of calcium and phosphorus, 23 2 &, so the goat milk is great for maintaining bone density and strength.

5. low cholesterol levels and lower lactosa 13% compared to cow's milk and 41% lower than BREAST MILK, goat's milk is proven to accelerate fat burning (the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).

6. the content of potassium, sodium and iron 2 times from cow's milk as well as superior in vitamin such as A, C, Niacin and Riboflavin, B6, B12, minerals and 8 essential amino acids (cannot be made by the human body) than cow's milk, it is very beneficial for the growth and development of brain and nerve cells and blood cells form and antidote of toxins/poisons.

Results of research experts prove that goat's milk had advantages in comparison with other breeds animal milk. Goat's milk is nutritious, even most contain efficacy and health benefits to the body. Experts have introduced goat's milk as a health food or drink which has benefits that are far better than cow's milk.

Goat's milk can also be an alternative to substitute for people who are allergic to cow's milk.Goat's milk is very good for allergy sufferers of the skin, and itching of the skin, as the research results of Dr. George Dermitt from Ohio, United States. Even the skin disease experts from New Zealand encourages his patients to consume goat milk as improved skin health especially for the face.

The benefits of goat milk nutritional value high can accelerate the growth of teeth and bones. Also good for restoring the health of the mother who gave birth to a new, restoring the iron after menstruation, as well as for the lack of blood.

Against orang2 affliction, the content of various minerals in goat's milk will hamper the fragility of the bones (Osteoporosis). The benefits of others, is very effective in addressing the breathing disorder, therapy of acute lung infection and TUBERCULOSIS as asthma. Also capable of controlling the cholesterol level in the blood and cure gout and kidney disorders are high.
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